Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dion's "Big Time" Arrogance

Well, I will say this. His English is better. But I wish he would stop saying "Big Time" some much. Must be his comfort word.

In his election kickoff interview with Loyd Robertson he made a few points that I don't believe tell the whole picture. Election rhetoric is here for a 37 days I guess. 37 days and 37 nights of Liberal smears, lies, and innuendo.

Point 1: Growth is less then the US
This includes all G7 nations. We have been outpacing the US economy for months now, and we have been doing well despite their problems. But, eventually the US economic issues will hit Canada, and they have started to. Canada will lag the US in feeling the effects of an economic slowdown, and Canada will lag the US from exiting an economic slowdown. Sort of part and parcel of having 80% of our economy tied to the US. However, even still the GDP is up, business investment is up, personal disposable income is up, operating profits of enterprises, etc etc.

Point 2: Manufacturing has lost thousands of jobs
Has Stephane Dion missed the last year or so? The US economy has been slowing down and shedding jobs. The Canadian dollar has risen in value to peak well above parity. High dollar has always hurt Canadian manufacturing, because our manufacturing is expense and can only compete when the dollar is low. High energy costs have hit the automotive industry hard, thousands of jobs lost around the world in that. Now, Stephane Dion wishes to help the automotive industry by making the cost of energy even more expensive. Good Job! And I guess Stephane Dion has missed the news reporting that lost month we gained 15,000 jobs, including in the manufacturing sector.

Point 3: 20 billion dollars in surpluses have vanished.
We Conservatives like to call that over taxation. We all know the Liberals' own vanishing act routine. March Madness spending, and brown envelopes.

Point 4: Close to a Deficit?
Define close? And see point 3. We are in surplus, and we are projected to have a higher then projected surplus. I don't see the logic in letting the Government hold onto my hard earned money for a Liberal just in case circumstance. That is "Big Time" stupid.

Point 5: Unrepentant Arrogance
To quote Stephane Dion, he and the Liberals need to "Give Canadians the opportunity to give to themselves a progressive government, for Canadians, their children, and our role in the world.". What the heck? We had that "opportunity" last time and you lost. We also don't like your definition of progressive. I like the definition of progressive to include things like, spending money with a purpose other then votes, to have a standing in the world stage where Canadian values are front and centre, not pandering to economic hot spots with bad human rights records. My progressive definition also includes a country where everyone is able to live their lives how they see fit, without so called "Liberal pseudo progressive" governments telling us what is good and what is bad. Without so called "Liberal pseudo progressive" governments telling us how to spend our money. Without so called "Liberal pseudo progressive" lecturing us on how we made a mistake not letting them rule over us again, and how they need to give us the chance to make up for our "mistake" in not returning them to power.

Screw you Dion.

We're better off with Harper.


femaleCONvoter said...

In rural southwestern Ontario, I will be voting Conservative again. Canada deserves a leader that can be counted on to make the right decisions for this country. Harper has proven to Canadian voters that his government was the right choice last time and will be this time.

AnonymousCoward said...

Indeed femaleconvoter! Liberals like to look to the Income Trust reversal as evidence of Harper lying. I look at it as evidence of making the tough decision. Why else would he take an action that adversely affects such a core constituency? Because he is not afraid of polls, he will make the decision he feels is right regardless of the popularity of that decision.