Thursday, September 25, 2008

Duceppe stands by his "fresh meat"

Show leadership Gilles Duceppe!

The Conservative leader demanded Mr. Duceppe retract his statement, saying it was extreme and irresponsible.

“What is an extreme statement, and extreme policy, is to put young people in jail at 14 years old, possibly for life,” Mr. Duceppe told reporters Thursday morning.

Mr. Harper's plan would see criminals as young as 14 sent into the adult justice system, where the Bloc Québécois leader says they could end up in prisons mixed with adult criminals.


To be clear Gilles Duceppe, it is young murders and rapists.

Also, youth don't go to adult jail. And you're an idiot for suggesting that occur widespread. Oh sure, they could possibly go to adult jail, but in the vast majority of cases it won't.

Duceppe must not trust the judges, he thinks they will send all the young convicted rapists and murders to adult jail, and also always give life sentences because they can now.

Right, judges always go the far end of the punishment scale when sentencing convicted criminals.

/end sarcasm

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