Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Keep your promise Prime Minister - Part II

As I discussed before I don't want an election. I don't want Harper to see the GG and ask for her to dissolve parliament, at least until they lose a confidence vote.

I just don't.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has created made a promise and even created a bill to enshrine it in law. I want Stephane Dion's Liberals to bring down the government if they have the fortitude to do it.

Now your naysayer’s will complain about the income trust flop, they might mention David Emerson, likely Michael Fortier but that is different. The income trust was for tax leakage, Emerson and Fortier for cabinet representation. I can't see how anyone can think the income trust decision was based on partisan gain, well, anyone in this reality. Dissolving parliament yourself will be for partisan gain.

I want you to keep governing, keep introducing legislation in the house, and be tactful, diplomatic, work with the opposition parties. Invite the party leaders over for Tuesday breakfasts at 24 Sussex to discuss current matters, or have the house leaders meet the Conservative house leader.

How will the opposition leaders spin that offer in their favour? They can't, they say repeatedly you are a bully, but in this case you won't be. You will be trying hard to make parliament work, and if they force an election they will look bad. But if they obstruct, threaten, cry or whine, make the vote’s confidence votes. We can't afford to stand still.

Now the Liberals will call you a bully, they will call you mean by making all the votes matters of confidence; just keep replying in the calm and professional manner that the Liberals are obstructing for partisan gain and rhetoric, . And as these confidence matters wind their way through the house and get voted on, the Liberals will have a choice, they can stand on principles and their feet and actually vote, or run away with a case of the democratic flu. It will be their choice.


Anonymous said...

I agree. The longer Harper serves as PM, the better will be the next government.

Brian said...

And if you really want an election, just match Dion abstention for abstention, let the NDP and Bloc bring you down. Voila, letter and spirit of the law maintained.

Besides, it would be interesting to see how much the Bloc and Dippers really want an election.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Harper is walking in Julius Caesar’s footsteps - it’s clear to anyone reading the War Commentaries. For those who haven’t, the demonstration is here: