Friday, August 22, 2008

96,815 legal deaths a year

Yes that number is correct.

With all this talk of abortion going on between Dion and Harper I thought I would see just how many are performed in a single year.

In 2005 96,815 abortions were performed. In comparison 339,270 births were recorded in 2004/2005, the year is calculated as 1 July - 30 June for the births. For the abortions I am not sure, I am assuming calendar year.

I hope I am not the only one who finds this disturbing.


Michael C said...

That means roughly 20% of pregnancies ended in abortion! I never knew it was that widespred. I'm in shock!

Anonymous said...

I am also disgusted, the private clinics that specialize in this "procedure" turn a tidy profit. How much does "order of Canada" Morganthaler make a year?? Anyone. It has brought the issue to the front page again, Dion is demanding P M Stephen Harper state his position on Abortion. To Mr. Dion I wish to state that he is a lucky fellow indeed that his mother did not share his views on abortion.
cheers Bubba

Anonymous said...

Unfeakin believable. Shameful beyound belief an Dion that weasel isusing this to his advantage. How sad of a society have we become?

Anonymous said...

check out
There is a downward trend which is good news. If you have time and energy do the live birth to abortion comparison by province and you will find that Sask is probably the safest place for a fetus and Quebec the most dangerous.

Anonymous said...

The worldwide slaughter of millions of children is disgusting and exceeds the atrocities of the Second WW. Shame on us!