Friday, October 10, 2008

Tories solidify lead in Ontario

The Conservative slide appears to be over, all the polls are showing a national lead for the Conservatives, even in vote rich Ontario.

A wide-ranging poll of Ontario voters by The Strategic Counsel for The Globe and Mail/CTV News finds the Tories enjoying a five-point lead over the Liberals in the province, erasing a five-point disadvantage from the 2006 campaign. But the increase still wouldn't provide the Tories with the seats needed to reach a majority. Conservative Stephen Harper will either have to find more seats outside Ontario or convince even more of its residents to vote for his party over Thanksgiving dinner.

These gains are not enough for a Conservative majority, but the Conservatives and to to a lesser extend the NDP are poised to pick up a few seats, the Liberals will lose seventeen seats.

Amongst visible minorities in the 905 area the Conservatives and Liberals are tied for support. This is significant as the Liberals have historically owned the visible minority vote three to one.


reguy said...

I really want the Conservatives to get a strong mandate. But what is missing for that is a majority government. Quebec is where the Conservatives have failed to make in roads. Harper's preceived insensitivity toward the arts and culture plays big there. Harper should have addressed the issue early and nipped it in the bud. The 50 million in cuts were to bogus, government waste projects that have no effect on the people of Quebec. If voters did a little bit of research they could find this out for themselves. However, majority of people prefer to be spoon fed and love to rally around cause even if they don't know if the cause is true. This is what happened in Quebec where the $50 million in cuts where perceived as an attack on the French culture and way of life. Now I worry that its too late for the Conservatives to open Quebecers eyes and the COnservatives need those eyes to be open so they choose the right party when they go to the polls.

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Thanks Taylor!