Monday, October 6, 2008

Liberal Keith Martin Claims Canada has 500 million dollar deficit!

While watching Mike Duffy Prime tonight Liberal MP Keith Martin lies to the views and claims Canada has a 500 million dollar deficit!

During the BC panel, Liberal MP Keith Martin told the viewers that Canada currently has a 500 million dollar deficit. When Conservative Minister Gary Lunn tried to correct the record Liberal Keith Martin talked over him.

This is an outright lie! Will Stephane Dion call on Liberal Keith Martin to correct the record?

We're better off with Harper.


Anonymous said...

And what did Lunn do when Martin talked over him? Did get a chance to make his point? I don't watch ctv so it sounds like Lunn never got a chance to properly respond.

Conservatives' communications are crap. It seems to me they never fully get their point across nor effectively counter the oppositions' slander. The Liberals, while being rude, obnoxious and unscrupulous, are dominating the MSM.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Johndoe124 we are losing the media war, not everybody reads bt, we need you bloggers and all conservatives to opinionate on the opinion pages(people are reading this propaganda in the msm).
There is more than just governing to lose this time, our future and freedom rides on this election. Dion will sell us to the UN one world socialist/communist/enviro-mentalist government crowd and no nation will exist outside it's influence.

wilson said...

Duffy said that Lunn's mic wasn't working, and gave Gary and extra turn. It was fair.
Keith Martin seemed uncharactoristically uneasy. He is not a good liar, to his credit, but they are told what to say.

AC, did you also hear where Duffy tore into the Scotia bank for their recession forecast? Duffy pointed at the guys at the top of the bank being Liberals and wanting to help Dion.

Duffy seems aggitated that the opps are unneccessarily creating panic.

AnonymousCoward said...

wilson is right, Lunn did get an option to reply.

And yes I did see where Duffy tore into the banks for meddling in the election.

And I also saw where May accused Duffy of being a partisan hack and lacking journalistic integrity.

Anonymous said...

I was watching MDL with the three journalists all going on about how Harper hasn't even talked about the economy and that people are worried.

Don't they read their own papers - last year - in his year end interviews he talked about the coming slowdown and how they were preparing for it - at the time they all called him pessimistic.

I could have slapped Barbara Yaffe when she added the point that the Tories have been sliding down, down down in the polls with her arrogant haughty attitude.

I am so sick of the media right now - the reason the Tories are losing is because of the unbalanced reporting - I know that sounds like I am whining, but it is so blatantly obvious.

Even the policy coming out tomorrow is treated as too little to late by them. Gee - hasn't he been giving his policy every day, haven't they been paying attention???

Anonymous said...

I am working in Keith's riding for the Conservative candidate, Troy DeSouza. Keith might be "uncharactoristically uneasy" because it is a VERY tight race.