Thursday, October 9, 2008

May calls for strategic voting

This really isn't a surprise to most people that actually follow politics. It was predicted months ago that this would happen.

It is unfortunate that it has come to this, obviously May doesn't believe her party actually has policies that will benefit Canadians.

Who wants to bet that if May wins her riding, and the Liberals fear-monger their way into power the May becomes Environment minister? As either a Liberal or Green Party member, or perhaps a Senator.

This endorsement by one federal party leader to another federal party leader is unprecedented in Canadian politics. I wonder what the average Canadian will think of this?

Any die-hard Green supporter was likely going to vote strategically anyway.


Anonymous said...

So not only does May want Greens to endorse the Liberal platform she wants to give them the Green vote money. She's not a leader, she's a fraud.

Anonymous said...

May is running third in her riding although Dion could appoint her to the Senate and make her a Cabinet Minister. Just like fortier.

May is a joke in her riding and polling at 13% and MacKay at 49%

Anonymous said...

Green workers and supporters I feel your pain, a train station near you ..... the fat lady has started to sing!! unfortunately She is singing... Vote for soooombooody else!! I know ,I felt really bad when I found out "the Great Pumkin" was just a figment of Linus's imagination.
Cheers Bubba