Monday, December 15, 2008

Smarter and more progressive eh?

Quebec has long been held up as model for the rest of Canada. They are supposedly smarter, more progressive, more environmentally aware, more politically savvy etc. Well, most of that is now nothing but hogwash.

According to a new survey, 70% of Quebecers don't even know how our system of government even works.

Overall, the survey found the lowest levels of knowledge in Quebec -- 70 per cent of Quebecers, for example, wrongly believe Canadians directly elect the prime minister. Only 35 per cent of Atlantic Canadians made that mistake.

This survey also smashes the oft heard argument that Quebecers supported the coalition in such numbers because they alone new how the government was supposed to work. Since they were so intellectually superior.

Well my friends, it seems that Quebecers support the coalition not because they supposedly knew how the system was supposed to work (they didn't). They supported the coalition because they knew they would be bribed repeatedly to support it.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet Quebecers know how their "National Assembly" works.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you suffer from an inferiority complex, because I don't of any prominent person or organization who has stated that Quebecers are smarter.

Anonymous said...

During the last referendum, a poll showed that the majority of Quebecers believed that an independent Quebec would continue to send MP`s to Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

"Quebec has long been held up as model for the rest of Canada."

By who? I've never heard anyone in my whole life hold Quebec up as a model for the rest of Canada. Let's see, way too much statism, uber inefficient economy, high debt, constantly complaining,...

AnonymousCoward said...

Not smarter as in IQ, smarter in terms of politics and playing the system.

AnonymousCoward said...

Most of the talking heads talk about Quebec's supposed superiority in terms of politics, progressiveness, and other such claptrap.

Anonymous said...

You know how out to lunch they are when they talk about how they are getting a raw deal from Canada.
90% of them think they pay into equalization.

wilson said...

''Quebec up as a model for the rest of Canada''

by LibDippers, when they were trying to sell national daycare.

by LibDippers when they were trying to crucify PMSH for cutting arts and culture funding for travel abroad.

wilson said...

anon 6.23
Doing a drive by is so Liberal. Be brave, give yourself a name.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a country Allergic to it's own history, does not teach the constitution in school and does it's best to hide the constitution from the people.

Hoarfrost said...

The R.O.C. needs to vote Conservative and leave Quebec to the Liberals and the P.Q. Quebec used to always vote as a unit. Well we should too.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, Douchebags!
No one ever said Quebec was smarter or more progressive...
And seing how the conservatives created the Canadian equivalent of Subprime ultimately spiralling our economy into free fall, I would not be so quick to point the finger in non-issues.