Monday, December 1, 2008

Bye Bye Ms Minority Governments

Today, the Liberals, NDP, and the Bloc have banded together to oust the democratically elected government of Canada. Sure it's constitutional, but it's not right. The people already voted 42 days ago and Harper was re-elected.

They simply didn't like the results of the last election.

But, think beyond just the hapless Conservative government, think about the future. We now have a precedence for the opposition parties to overturn the results of elections. If they don't like the results then they can band together and defeat the winner of the election.

How will this make Canada stronger? Make our democracy more vibrant? The opposition cannot overturn the results of the election.

In this case, all the opposition parties hated Harper, they couldn't say one nice thing about him. So now the opposition parties get to play their politics and let us know that we the people are not worthy of deciding who should form government. Only their great progressive minds can judge our fate.


Bec said...

You know this is something that I have not seen anyone talk about, yet.
What a perfect argument as a solution to this crisis. A minority govt would NEVER be able to govern effectively ever again. Now that is a constitutional crisis!

Anonymous said...

Earth to Tories:

Harper was not elected PM.

In a Parliamentary system we elect MPs and the executive rules at "the leisure of Parliament."

MAJORITY RULE is the basic principle of a Parliamentary system.

The majority of MPs are establishing a new legislative agenda and creating a new, majoritarian government.

Their actions are legitimate, constitutional and democratic.

I know it sucks but there is no 'constitutional crisis'

Please spare us the rhetoric.

Today we witnessed the true practice of Parliamentary democracy.

Repeat after me:

"In a Parliamentary democracy, Majority Rules."

"The executive rules at the leisure of Parliament."

"We do not elect the PM. Harper is not an 'elected' Prime Minister."

"Dion will be PM fair and square because he leads the Parliamentary bloc which commands a MAJORITY in Parliament."

That is how the system works.

Anonymous said...

As long as there is a regional party like the Bloc Quebecois that caters exclusively to a provincial electorate, and which bribes their constituencies with money from the entire Canadian tax base, it will be very difficult for any national party for form a majority without support from another party.

The Bloc may be able to achieve its goal of destroying Canada not by a direct vote for separation, but simply by rendering national elections meaningless.

The resulting trend may be more regional parties which then get together to form post-election coalitions of convenience.

A regional party could promise they would support any national party as long as they were guaranteed a generous share of pork.

Unknown said...

Earth to left-wing, pinko commie anon:

Dion and Co. should bring their coalition to the people...if they vote for it, then they earn it.

That's how democracy works.

KURSK said...

Repeat after me anonymous.

Canadians don't like unelected socialists usurping power and sharing it with those who would destroy our country.

If you see no problem with that, please feel free to leave my country any time, or declare yourself opposed to the idea of a united Canada.

Fair enough?

philosoraptor said...

Canadians don't like unelected socialists usurping power and sharing it with those who would destroy our country.

Whereas destroying the majority supported opposition parties by defunding a paltry budget item is great for democracy.

RAR: Minority parliaments work by compromise, debate and negotiation. Not be intimidation. That is the point of a minority parliament, and, some thing, its strength. There is no reason that EVERY minority parliament is threatened by this, but surely any future minority parliament that oversteps its boundaries might be.

philosoraptor said...

Wow...a whole bunch of typos there.

There is a "be" that should be a "by", and a "thing" that should be a "think".

Time for bed.

Unknown said...

"Whereas destroying the majority supported opposition parties by defunding a paltry budget item is great for democracy."

Yes! If you have good ideas, people will support them; the Conservatives have rebuilt the party from scratch by selling ideas people were willing to support.

Why should you and I foot the bill for a rotten separatist party? Tell me why this is a good thing for democracy?

Anonymous said...

Guys, latest rumor has it that Three Stooges Government in Waiting already has a blessing of Barrak Obama, US President in waiting. Allegedly new Ambassador of Three Stooges Government contacted the White House trying to secure audience with President Obama only to be told that this dreaded G.W. Bush was still there. Plans for televised meeting betwen Obama and Three Stooges in Oval office had to be postponed until some time next year as G.W. Bush refused his permission to use of Oval Office on emergency basis even on a weekend despite the gravity of political crisis in Canada.

AnonymousCoward said...


You are right of course, technically. But the majority of the electorate vote for the PM and the Party. Period.

You can twist and turn about how it is supposed to work all you want, but it isn't how it works in real life.

If it did they way you think it does, then idiots like Cheryl Gallant wouldn't be elected again and again.

If you were right, and people voted the way you were thinking, why the hell would the pollsters care about "Leadership Indexes" and who would make the "Best Prime Minister". Why? Because people vote for the Prime Minister they want be voting for their local party candidate.

AnonymousCoward said...

David, if the majority supported parties were so loved by the people, surely they could raise the cost of an extra large double double from them every year?

But, this is besides the point here. Harper was a fool for doing what he did when he did, but now that he has completely and utter ran away from that what is their excuse?

AnonymousCoward said...

The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc have destroyed the concept of minority governments with this action.

If they really wanted the mandate to govern as a coalition then by all means, campaign as a coalition in another election.

Win the mandate from the people directly, not through backroom deals.