Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm with Steyn

Mark Steyn has written a pretty insightful commentary on the media's response to the Mumbai terrorist attacks.

The veteran British TV anchor Jon Snow, on the other hand, opted for the more cryptic locution “practitioners.” “Practitioners” of what, exactly?

Practitioners? As in practitioners of terror? What the heck...

Why is the media and pundit-o-cracy so afraid to call a spade a spade? Islamic terrorists is a bad word, so we call them militants, or gunmen. But a Jew is ultra-conservative?

Accidental my butt.


Brian said...

Well CBC radio referred to the Islamic killers as quote "Armed hostage takers"

... and my tax dollars support these turkeys !

Anonymous said...

You listen to al-Ceeb? I'd only consider listening to them if I had insomnia and needed to sleep.