Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Brilliant Lefty Logic

Ed Broadbent says:
"I have no doubt that is how they see it in the short run, but we are doing what should be done in a parliamentary democracy," he said.
It has almost never been done at the federal level before, and not in living memory despite many minority governments. I wonder why.

Hey, I remember back in 2006. Some of analysts were wondering if Paul Martin would try and cling to power by attempting a coalition with the NDP. They were wondering this because they felt the concession speech was a long time in the making. The Liberal representative said something along the lines of, "hell no, Paul has too much respect for democracy for that to happen".

"They're trying to turn a serious economic situation into a political crisis. We will say we objected because there is a serious economic situation for Canadians."

The opposition's proposed economic stimulus package, Broadbent said, contains similar measures to ones planned by U.S. president-elect Barack Obama in the wake of the global economic crisis.

True, we are differing on how to deal with it. Though, we are NOT in recession yet.

"Other countries are doing it and we should be doing it here," he said.

Haha, brilliant. Mr Broadbent, I used to have respect for you. So because other countries are doing something we should to?

I guess Canada should have gone to Iraq after all, other countries did. I guess Canada should stay in Afghanistan, other countries are.

Sad logic indeed.


Anonymous said...

Check this out lol

Anonymous said...

Above is more sappy Lefty logic.

Anonymous said...

lefty logic? isn't that an oxymoron?