Sunday, January 10, 2010

RIP Rupert Hamer

Another Western journalist has died in Afghanistan, along with an US Marine and Afghan soldier. This is less then two weeks since Michelle Lang died.

This is a tragic blow to our media. While I am sure there are many brave journalists and camera operators more then willing to risk life and limb in order to tell the story, I am not as sure that the risk adverse and profit drive corporations that employ these journalists will continue to allow them to tell their stories from the front lines.

These recent deaths of journalists have the potential to drive the media out of Afghanistan, and with them, any chance of success.

Our soldiers, sailors, and air personnel in-theater deserve to have their stories heard. This includes their successes, their sorrows, and their failures. The people of the countries that send them deserve nothing less.

May we all hope that the media corporations have backbones of steel, and to keep their journalists in-theater.

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