Sunday, June 27, 2010

G20 Violence and More

I started writing a comment on LibLogs blogger Blunt Objects blog about his stupid, childish, and immature post titled "Fuck you, Harper".

Since it has been months since I last posted, I decided to respond to the post here.

Volkov, you're a blogger who tries to parlay profanities as intelligence. You bring what should be honest and passionate debate to a new low. You are one of the reasons why political discourse is so dysfunctional in Canada. Political commentators should be civilized and intelligent. We can disagree with each other without naming calling and profanities. This goes for all bloggers, including me.

I know in my younger blogger days I said some stupid and immature things.

And to those bloggers, analysts, and commentators that think the summit should have been held offshore, or in the remote wilderness, I have one word for you, appeaser. You do not think through your arguments. If you host summit in the wilderness, you basically say that we as country cannot guarantee security for our visitors.

What does that say about us as a country?

If you host your summit in the middle of the ocean, what serves as the focal point for the protesters? Instead of one big protest you will likely end up with smaller protests across the country.

Furthermore, by hosting your summit in the Arctic you deny a protest avenue for peaceful protesters looking to be heard. People have the right to meet where they want. Protesters have the right to _peacefully_ protest and be heard. However, no one has the right to destroy anyone else's property.

This is what happened this weekend. The so called "Black Bloc" took over the labour movements (and others) protest. Sullying their peaceful protest message with the anarchists message of violence.

I for one want to live in a country where anarchists are dealt with quickly, and peaceful protesters get to sing and chant to their hearts content. In my Canada, peaceful protesters deserve that right, and violent protesters go to jail.


Anonymous said...

Well Toronto blew it.Had a chance to look good and just blew it.The security cost is now justified.I suggest a more out of the way location next time.
Kudos to the law enforcement and the security preparations that were made.All without a loss of life.Better than Iran or Thailand eh?

Kyle H. said...

Hello! I just saw this post. Thought you could fly under the radar, did ya?

First off, while I respect your opinion,sir, I think you're overreacting by leaps and bounds. I'm a 20-year old student - you're how old, and taking on someone you know is going to be prone to irrationality and stupidity from time to time? You should question your actions, before you question mine.

Secondly, my passions are my own. You can't really have political discourse without passion, and if I, or you, or anyone, flies off the handle once in a while, then so be it. So long as its justified and for good reason. I think I fit all categories quite well.

Finally, and this is directed towards yourself and "Fred from BC," it is you who judge the actions of all, on the actions of one. That, right there, is wholly unfair. I take all blame and responsibility for my actions - and if you transfer that to others, that is your problem, not mine.

Oh, and Fred - I said this before, but I never deleted any post of yours, nor would I. I take criticism quite well - it's false accusations that I do not like.

Have a nice day, gentlemen.

AnonymousCoward said...

First off, while I respect your opinion,sir, I think you're overreacting by leaps and bounds. I'm a 20-year old student - you're how old, and taking on someone you know is going to be prone to irrationality and stupidity from time to time? You should question your actions, before you question mine.

Ah, I see. The old I am too immature to take part in a serious discussion excuse :)

If you can't take part in an intelligent conversation then I dare say don't. You do know the old adage that it is better to look the fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt?

Passion is no excuse for profanity and stupidity.

PS, I am not that old.

Conservatives don't have to equal old you know :)

Cammie Novara said...

This article by the leading blogger on Hubpages (one of America's top 125 websites) describes a completely innovative and effective solution to the ongoing Quebec issue. He envisions the creation of a Canadian Capital District stretching from Ottawa to the West Island and to just east of Cornwall where bilingual rights are strictly protected, and which can also act as a tax-exempt Free Foreign Trade Zone to boost the area's economic development:

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