Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's not about the mustard stupid!

Oh my, some people's children. Is American politics that pathetic that we have to judge a man by his mustard and not his policies? Is Dijon mustard really driving a stake through the heart of American patriotism? And I thought Canadian politics could get pretty lame.

With all this talk about Dijon vs spicy vs French's mustard. Everyone has missed the big picture. Soon, a cheddar cheese burger, medium well, with Dijon mustard will be known as the Obama burger. People will then order the Obama burgers everywhere they go. Just like what happened with the Obama Tail.

The real scandal is not the mustard, its ordering a burger that is not properly cooked!

Ground beef must be cooked to an internal temperature of 71° C (160° F). Using an instant-read food thermometer is crucial. In fact, research results indicate that some ground beef may prematurely brown before a safe internal temperature has been reached. The colour of meat alone is not considered a reliable indicator of ground beef safety. If eating out, order your hamburger cooked well done.

Health Canada recommends that when you order a burger, you order it well done, you have no idea how the ground beef was prepared at the factory, restaurant, or anywhere else. You are asking for trouble to eat a burger cooked to anything else then well done.

So Mr Obama, next time don't worry so much about the mustard, and get your burger cooked properly :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I posted before on another blog, I 'relish' the Maillé (dijon) mustard.