Monday, May 11, 2009

Flip-flop. Flip-flop. Flip-flop.

Watching the Czar of Convenience bounce from one position to another is actually harder then watching pro-tennis. You really need to keep your eyes (and ears) moving to keep up with the flip-flopping Iggy.

December 1, 2008: "I support the [coalition] accord because it's fiscally responsible, it provides responsible economic leadership in tough times and it also conserves the basic principles of national unity, equality, that our party has always believed in." — Liberal leadership candidate Michael Ignatieff

May 10, 2009: "There was also a question concerning the legitimacy of the coalition that troubled me." And: "I felt it was very difficult to guarantee the necessary political stability during a time of crisis with three partners in a formal coalition," he said. "That was my first doubt. I couldn't guarantee the long-term stability of the coalition under the circumstances." — Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff

Wow, Iggy really is special. Is it really that hard for a Liberal to have the courage of his convictions?

1 comment:

wilson said...

It took Iffy 5 months to realize what a collossal mistake for the country, the Coalition of Losers was.

It took PMSH 24 hours to come to the same conclusions.

Which of these 2 leaders do you want to run this country?

December 1, 2008
your link

Le Devoir January 2009:

“No one wants an election. That’s why we have agreed to a coalition that provides a credible and viable alternative.”

Macleans interview, Feb 10/09
Iffy speaks on coalition of losers and the Bloc (the waffle begins)

''I thought it was legitimate to conclude an agreement because I said at the time
—and have said since—
I didn’t believe it would compromise the national unity of my country, and that was the bottom line for me and for every MP in my party.''
(but you were wrong, right? )

'' What I said is that in a future in which there is a possibility of minority governments,
I would not exclude making arrangements or agreements, public, transparent agreements, **with other parties that will allow me to govern.
But notice I did not use the word “coalition.”

so... a coalition (what ever name Iffy gives it) with the Dippers to seize power is still on the table.

March 9, 2009 (the about face on the Bloc, 180 degree turn)
Interview with the Epoch Times

''I could be sitting here as your prime minister, but I turned it down because I didn’t think it was right for someone who believes in the national unity of my country to make a deal with people who want to split the country up,” Mr. Ignatieff explained Monday

May 10, 2009 (Iffy backs PMSH 100% , doing a 360 degree turn)