Monday, August 10, 2009

The last word on Sotomayor

I remember a few years ago as the same sex marriage debated raged, many on the left argued that the ultimate test of the acceptability of any proposal was if you could switch “gay” for black and not have it seem racist. This argument is often used in other contexts as well.

Let’s take Sotomayor’ infamous 2001 comment and apply the same test shall we, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Now to change this around slightly, “I would hope that a wise white man with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

In a show of hands now, who finds this comment to be racist now? If a white male judge made this comment or a comment similar he would never have been appointed to the Supreme Court, let alone confirmed.

Of course it’s ok for visible minorities to be racist against the white man. They have to atone for all their centuries of oppressing minorities etc.
Of course it makes sense for Obama to appoint her, he after all seems to be more than willing to play the race card against white policemen with comments that could be construed as racism.

Or should we call it reverse racism? Nah, reverse racism is a stupid term. Racism is racism.


Anonymous said...

Coloured minorities says they experience racism. Experience is neither true or false. So it cannot be proven, objectively, there is or there isn't racism. Solution. Give objectivity a bum rap. The truth of reality is subjective. It's what a person feels, that is, experiences. And she experiences racism. Therefore, there is racism. Whites though, who, because the race industry says so, are the racists, cannot experience racism. So whites don't know what it's like to experience racism. So they should shut about it.

Anonymous said...

And yet another Catholic Heterosexual is Appointed while Lesbians/Gays/Midgets/Aids victims/transgender/2-spirited Americans stand in line behind the Hispanic who happens to be the NEW Black and Flavour Of The Month.

Just wait awhile, the Next milestone will be the Lesbian-Hispanic from a Same-sex marriage with 2-Dads both having Aids/Cancer/Sars/and Disabled-Vets.

Youth Worker said...

Great readiing