Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Sad State of Affairs

I find it very sad, and perhaps a telling indicator of our society today when hundreds of reporters and other media types will research and investigate every little detail of Michael Jackson's life and death, but fail to spend the seconds required to properly honour our fallen Canadian heroes.

Dear media, especially CTV (as you are the one I watch) please take the time to get the soldier’s ranks, and the abbreviations of those ranks correct when airing the stories on the news. It is very frustrating for a long time serving member to see the complete lack of effort your editors or producers take when creating the copy for the anchors to read or the media to be displayed. I am sure Wikipedia will have a good reference for the service and regimental ranks and their abbreviations.

Please take the extra few seconds to get this right, it is the least we can do.


AtlanticJim said...

Don't expect much from them. A Herald reporter of 20 plus years here in Halifax watched a 2 hour parade for the presentation of a new Queen's Colour to the Navy and still refered to the 500 men and women on parade in black uniforms and white peak caps/bowlers as soldiers.......

Anonymous said...

I notice there are fewer and fewer people going to the National Defence site and sending a brief message (Write to the Troops). This takes five minutes at most and is very much appreciated.

You mention the weather in your area, send a brief poem, send condolences, whatever.