Last few months I have noticed (in my opinion) that the Globe and Mail has gone much farther left then normal. Attacking Prime Minister Stephen Harper a lot more then is warranted.
But this, is, is a doozy. An out right lie. I am sorry, but Elizabeth May didn't finish a close second to Peter McKay. Not all all.
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has the same political philosophy and sense of humour that served her well in the past election, but she has changed ridings and swapped coasts. And she is promising a very different result in British Columbia’s Saanich-Gulf Islands than in Nova Scotia, when she finished a close second, and saw her party win a million votes nationwide but no seats. This time, she says, with the support of social networking and a new “me-first” strategy, she’s going to make history.
Well, I guess this could be considered close in Canadian terms :)